Let me guess... You were scrolling your Instagram feed, got fashion inspired, realized that your wardrobe doesn't match your vision, and started toying with a crazy idea... “Maybe I really need a stylist?”


Sounds like you? Then you're in a right place!

Lovely to meet you! I'm Sofiya

Expert Personal Stylist · Crazy for everyting pretty  · To-go person for tips about social media

Let me guess…

Something BIG just happened
in your life.

You had a baby. Or finished college. Or maybe you got an amazing promotion and now attending conferences. Maybe you're on a journey to find love and be happily married after. Or you just realized that your clothes don't show your amazing personality...


… And now you’re secretly planning to change the way you look & feel about yourself...


Hiring a personal stylist feels like it could tick all the boxes for you.


✓ Make you feel great about yourself
✓ Remove chaos and "nothing to wear" stress
✓ Boost your confidence and open new opportunities
✓ Teach you how to shop and make fabulous outfits


(“Well hello perfect wardrobe and tons of compliments”)


But you have some fears


“Shouldn't I just know it all by myself? Like why I'm struggling...”
“Do I need to throw away all my clothes? What about my budget?”
“Does it going to take too much time? I'm sooooo busy!”
“What if I don't like the result and it won't feel like me?”


Oh dear, I so get it. Just a couple of years ago I was in your exact same shoes. (Speaking of which, those are cute, where did you get them?!)

Let me tell you
my story.


To be honest, it all started back then in high school.


When I started to realize that I look not as great as other girls. It's just nothing fit me right and I was really confused.


You see I was never into fashion and all these girly stuff. I wanted to become a doctor and do complex heart surgeries. (What I was thinking?! I'm terrified of blood...)


I was emo, goth, punk, tried dreadlocks (check the pic) then I got tired that nothing works and just started to wear jeans, a t-shirt, and black color.


Fast forward a couple of years I found myself in New York, working as an art director in SoHo, and realizing that my style is off... like completely off.

Thankfully, I realized that 1) I want to fix it 2) I want to look confident and REALLY express my personality 3) I need professional help


I signed up for an online class about style, color, body analysis, and everything fashion. My life was never the same.


I realized that I hated my clothes. I didn't like how they make me feel. I wasn't expressing myself. But the most important part is that my wardrobe made me look average.


This never was my goal! (See again my dreadlocks picture :) 


Well, first of all, I had to throw away 80% of my closet. I had the BEST feeling about it. Then I started building my closet from scratch based on my mood board, body, and color type. 


Everything became so easy! Shopping transformed into a fun & joyful experience. From "Gosh. nothing fits me here" I went to "Oh! So much gorgeous stuff. What should I buy?"



But the most important part was I started to get noticed. From coworkers and bosses to strangers on the streets. (I even got photographed in Manhattan by some famous fashion photographer). I finally felt confident.


But how did I become a personal stylist? Well, read below!

I wish it was a sexy story... but actually


it was a rough journey. It wasn't something I aspired to become. I had a cool job, a New Yorker lifestyle, and different thoughts on my career path.


Then COVID hit and my life just went crazy. I returned back to Kazakhstan, left 7 years of my life behind, and started everything from the scratch. Like serious crazy stuff. (You can ask me about it if you want).


You see, I got tired of working in the advertising industry. I wasn't feeling that I create much impact. I wanted more personal work with people. To know them better, feel their pains, and transform their lives.


That’s when I decided to become a personal stylist and teach women around the world about style, confidence, and personal branding so I could actually feel that I'm changing other people's lives and making an impact.

today my style services have impacted numerous women around the globe!

I did it all from my passion to inspire women and show them that they can look gorgeous every.single.day.


So if you’re ready to start your style journey, then I'm going to be the best "fashionable girlfriend" you've dreamed of!


Creating an authentic style that works with your personality and lifestyle (not against that, right)? I’m here for it! I’ve done it! And I’ll show you how to as well!

My Why?

I’m driven by the belief that we all deserve to love ourselves and feel confident about our appearance. That means no more sad faces in front of the mirror because you don't like your outfit, or not getting a promotion because you don't look pro. I know that with a little bit of guidance, you can create extraordinary upgrades in your own life!



I teach women the three most essential ingredients to create a perfect style:


✓ The skills & secrets to making stylish outfits themselves
✓ The knowledge about their body and color type

✓ The understanding of how to express their personality through fashion


If you’re looking for a fashion best friend and mentor who provides empowering, achievable, step-by-step plan, then I’m your stylist! Book my one-on-one style consultation and I'll give you both a clear picture of your body/color/personality type and knowledge of how to curate your perfect wardrobe. From A to Z all your fashion questions are covered.


So if you’re a woman with the goal of having a beautiful wardrobe that expresses your authentic self, feeling gorgeous, receiving tons of compliments and attention, and achieving her dreams, then it's time to start your style journey!



I believe that:


✓ your style can be your superpower

✓ life opens new opportunities when you like the way you look

✓ everyone can be stylish, no matter the circumstances

✓ YOU deserve to feel amazing every.single.day.



✓ Found branding agency

​✓ Live in Spain for six month

​✓ Visit Georgia & their mountains

​✓ Dance tango in Argentina

​✓ Participate as a fashion designer in a Fashion Week

✓ Get Master's in Psychoanalytical Coaching

​✓ Build a business that transforms women's lives

​✓ Buy a one-way ticket to Bali

I run my business by these values:

Tailored Experience

Every service I provide is adjusted to an individual. This gives the best results.


I'm constantly learning and improving my skills from style to psychology.


Before acting I listen carefully to your needs and goals to give you the right direction.

Ready to Start Your Style Journey with Me?



Pratt Institute'18

BFA in Communication Design


High Scool of Economics

MS in Psychoanalytical Business Consulting


New Generation Fashion Week 2021 (KZ)

Steppe Magazine Article 2018 (KZ)

Shorty's Finalist Award 2019 (USA)

Exhibition at MWP Museum 2016 (USA)

Typofest Poster Winner 2016 (India)



Selected Clients

Saks 5th Avenue

The Wall Street Journal



Literacy Partners


Captain D's

Rainforest Foundation


Classes & Certifications

Fashion Journalism

Dwyn Larson Body Type System

Color Analysis & Psychology

Motion Design School

Storytellers Online Course

Contented.edu UX Design

Lettering/Calligraphy Classes

Design Thinking by BangBangEducation

Archetypes for Branding





